Author name: Nic Lee

Nic lee is a specialist in resin crafts. For more than 10 years in the resin industry, especially in resin fridge magnets, keychain, snow globe design, sales.

Why handmade resin fridge magnets are better than machine products?

People love to travel, and also love the memory while they travel around, trip memory indelible and precious. How could we remark on these treasures? Some people prefer to keep some affiliated monuments as a part of their trip recollections. And some sightseer lodestones would like to keep snow globes, fridge attractions, and statues as …

Why handmade resin fridge magnets are better than machine products? Read More »

Resin craft trend

When things turn out to be the year 2022, some people should find out that there have not a penny in their pockets. We put the direct reason away, and just want to talk about the trending of resin craft. As an experienced resin craft manufacturer in China, we found business hard in the years …

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