Xinfeng Blog

5 places to import resin crafts at competitive prices

These years, for some reason, most people will take more and more time staying at home, in this case, the home decor will be a great increase chance. As a part of home decor, resin crafts will be a ...

What is resin? and why it is popular.

Someone new to crafts and souvenirs will have no idea of what is resin, In this article, we will talk about resin and why it is so popular. what is resin? Talking about souvenirs, even fridge magnets, ...

No Experience Required! How to Fix Broken fridge magnet on your own?

While talking about fridge magnets, should be a great part of art, great home decor, and also great souvenir gifts. But somethings something unexpected will happen, while your bridge magnet is broken, ...

How to make your own resin crafts

Resin crafts can be a very great home decor stuff. There have a lof resin crafts sold by the souvenir shops, but everyone might have a dream craft on their mind, so that might even better to make ...

What are the different types of fridge magnets

There are different types of material used as the surface of fridge magnets. Different material shows different usage or advantages. How to pick a nice and fittable material though? We will list some ...

Resin craft trend

When things turn out to be the year 2022, some people should find out that there have not a penny in their pockets. We put the direct reason away, and just want to talk about the trending of resin ...

Why do Freight charges increase?

Since the launch of the COVID- 19 outbreak in 2020, the issue of ocean freight has come a hotly batted content. The request price for a single 40- bottom vessel, for illustration, is set at just ...

What is resin art? why it’s unique

Whether you are a seasoned artist or a freshman, resin art is a fun and creative art medium to explore. First, all you really need to do is look at some accouterments and how they can help you produce ...